There is a difference in how you add/update a language translation in ServiceNow for standard fields and for the System Process Flow:
Different tables of translation:
Normal Labels (like ‘Company’ in the above image) are translated in the ‘Field Labels’ form (System Localization -> Field Labels)
https:// [instancename]
System Process Flow Labels (like ‘In Queue’ in above image) are translated in the ‘Translated Name / Fields’ (System Localization -> Translated Name / Fields)
https:// [instancename]
To Update Language in Record Producer:
Go to the Record Producer variables tab, look at the question field – NOT the name
- swap to the language using your ui menu
- Modify the question value then save the record.
- Swap language back to english.
- you should see the english the same as before.
You can now also see the same translation in the Translated Name / Fields table:
https://[company name]‘2024-06-20’%2C’start’)%40javascript%3Ags.dateGenerate(‘2024-06-20’%2C’end’)%5Esys_created_byLIKELoman&sysparm_view=